Construction projects and any change of land use or occupancy on private property will require a building permit.
It is important that your project complies with the Vancouver Building By-law to meet life safety, livability, accessibility, and sustainability requirements. A building permit is the tool we use to achieve these requirements.
Not sure if you need a building permit? Review when you need a permit
Confirm if a building permit application has been received or permit issued
Find a permit or application by address, number, or date.
Don’t follow the steps to getting a building permit if you:
- Are renovating or building a house or laneway house: Review the steps to renovating or building a house or laneway house
- Are a small business owner planning a renovation or looking to start a business: Find out how the Small Business Renovation Centre can help
- Have a small renovation project that doesn’t trigger major upgrades: Review the “field review” process for getting a building permit
Review the steps to getting a building permit before submitting an application.
We are making changes to speed up permitting, reduce wait times, and streamlining some building permits. Learn about the changes
Contact the Development and Building Services Centre
The Development and Building Centre is open for in-person scheduled appointments or payments.
Location and mailing address
Development and Building Centre
515 West 10th Avenue, Ground Floor
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4A8
Permits, inspections, and forms
Apply for and manage permit
Review regulations and apply for the required permits for your construction or renovation project.
Book or cancel an electrical, plumbing, building, fire sprinkler, gas, or sidewalk inspection for your construction or renovation project.
Forms, checklists, and bulletins
View and download the building or development permit application forms and submission requirements.