For other street occupancies on City property that are not construction related, you may need a temporary street occupancy permit.
Construction street use permits authorize the use of the street right-of-way including roadways, sidewalks, boulevards, and air spaces above.
New buildings that require shoring, excavation, hoarding (a fence or barrier between a construction site and public space), or scaffolding into City property need to apply for a construction street use permit.
Construction projects that impact public property other than shoring, excavation, hoarding, or scaffolding may also require a construction street use permit. Some of these may include work on sidewalks, traffic lanes, rear lanes, bus lanes, bike lanes, and boulevards. Contact Street Use Review for confirmation.
Street Traffic By-law
Regulates traffic, the use of streets, and the size and weight of vehicles that are permitted to travel on City streets.
Information icon Section 71G and Section 80 of the by-law applies to street use.
Review the bylaw PDF file (969 KB)
Encroachment By-law
Regulates the temporary and permanent use of City property.
Information icon Section 3A applies to anchor rod installation.