Reserve parking spaces and parking meters with temporary street occupancy permits

What you need to know

We require a minimum of 7 to 10 business days from the time payment is received to process and issue the permit. This gives us time to post parking restriction signs and cover parking meters in advance.

If emergency work is required during the time you have reserved parking meters, the emergency work will take priority.

Review steps to getting a permit

Apply for permit

Lane use fees apply to the closures of:

  • Traffic lanes
  • Bicycle lanes
  • Sidewalk closures
  • Use of rear lanes (alleys)

If you require use of more than the curb lane, contact Engineering Services to determine if a lane use fee will impact your application. 

Temporary street occupancy permits allow you to temporarily suspend posted parking regulations and temporarily occupy a street for:

  • Moving trucks, to facilitate move-in and move-out of a building (homes, condominiums, or commercial needs)
  • Service work (for example, window cleaning, sign installation)
  • Waste containers and bins
  • Placement of moving and storage containers
  • Construction deliveries
  • Construction activities (for example, when a crane lift or concrete pour is needed)

For construction-related applications, only very basic requests can be processed through the permit portal, such as curb lane loading/unloading for single-family, duplex, or laneway projects. For more complex or long-term construction street occupancy permits, email

These permits are not issued for crew parking purposes and can't be used to take over a legitimately or previously parked space on the street.

Under the Streets and Traffic By-law 2849, section 30 (964 KB), a permit issued under subsection (3) does not authorize the permit holder to require any person lawfully occupying any such location to discontinue their occupancy.

Steps to getting a temporary street occupancy permit

 You will not receive a refund for your temporary street occupancy permit if a car is parked in your permitted parking spot before signs are installed or if the signs are stolen or vandalized. If a car is in your permitted parking spot before the signs are up, it won't be towed.

Contact Engineering Client Services

5th floor, Crossroads
507 West Broadway (at Cambie St)
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 0B4

Monday to Friday (except holidays)
8:30am to 4pm

Phone: 604-871-6730

Read the by-law

Regulates traffic, the use of streets, and the size and weight of vehicles that are permitted to travel on City streets.

Section 30 of the by-law applies to temporary street occupancies. 

Street & Traffic Bylaw