Streets in Vancouver

Streets and sidewalks that create vibrant communities

We design, construct, and maintain our streets, sidewalks, bridges, and structures for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.

Our surveyors, drafters, designers, project coordinators, and engineers:

  • Work together to balance the needs of all street users
  • Design accessible streets and sidewalks

This helps create a vibrant community experience on our streets.

What great streets require

  • Visual and environmental enhancements, like street trees and boulevard gardens
  • Inclusive elements that provide accessibility to everyone: those with mobility issues, walkers, cyclists, businesses moving goods, and drivers
  • High quality solutions that last, from paving materials, to street fixtures and amenities

Our street maintenance and design pays specific attention to minimizing environmental impacts, such as reducing stormwater runoff, and accommodating sustainable modes of transportation.

Cleaning and maintenance

Maintaining our sidewalks and streets for garbage, leaves, snow, and potholes play an important role in keeping our city clean and vibrant.

Sidewalk fixtures and amenities

View a map of public washrooms. Request a new sidewalk bench, bike rack, or waste bin.

Public space and street use

Get a busking permit and find public plazas and gathering spaces around the city.

Bridges and structures

Many bridges and structures located in the City of Vancouver are maintained by other organizations.

Local Improvement Program

Property owners or residents may request to construct improvements in their local area through the Local Improvements Program.

Streetscape design guidelines

Sets our design objectives for sidewalks, furniture, trees, and landscaping along all public streets.

Contact information, partner agencies, and website policies

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