A letter describing the rationale for your request, management experience, proposed theme or entertainment within the establishment, level and type of food service, hours of operation
The floor plan showing all tables and seating, as well as outdoor seating, smoking areas, and all floor area dimensions and calculations
Proof that you have a secured vested interest in the property
If you are proposing a new building or exterior alterations to an existing building, include front elevation rendering
The application processing fee range:
From $1,231 base fee to a maximum $6,646
Application process
Information icon Application fees can be found in Schedule B of the License By-law 4450.
A public meeting will normally be recommended for all new Liquor Primary liquor licence applications or major amendments to existing liquor licences in close proximity to residential uses and/or which may have a negative impact on adjacent businesses. New Restaurant Class-2 businesses in close proximity to residential uses may also require a public meeting.
Applications for establishments in designated entertainment areas, industrial areas, the core area of the Central Business District (CBD), areas with little adjacent residential development, or for a conversion of an existing liquor licence to a licence that will have a lesser impact (for example reduced hours, elimination of outdoor seating, etc.) would not normally be subject to the telephone survey requirement.
We expect that most applications required to conduct a telephone survey will be as a result of a Council decision. We will revise the report to Council to incorporate findings of the telephone survey.
Note All application processing for liquor licence categories not specifically noted here would be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Typical processing time for most applications is approximately 4 to 6 months, but may vary depending upon the nature of the application.
Applications not complying with Council policy or LCRB policy will delay processing and may not be brought to Council until the policy issues have been resolved.
Public consultation
We encourage you to liaise with area residents and business operators before submitting your formal application to let them know of a possible application to eliminate the public's surprise once we conduct the official neighbourhood public consultation.
The Chief Licence Inspector determines the level of public consultation. Processing fees are based on the degree of public consultation required for each application.
The site sign must conform to size, shape, and lettering requirements. Specific wording and content for the sign is provided by the Licence Coordinator. All applications require a site sign unless indicated otherwise by the Licence Coordinator.
Standard size is 4' × 8'. All variations must be approved by the License Coordinator.
Lettering is to be black Arial on a white background.
Signs must be:
Placed on the ground, supported only by posts or poles
Installed in a sound, workmanlike manner, capable of withstanding wind and weather
Comply with the requirements of the Building Bylaw and Sign Bylaw
Signs must be:
Clearly read from streets or lanes, and be clear of all site obstructions
Located within the site, approximately but not closer than 10'0" from any property line
No more than 16'0" high (sign top)
Notification of installation
You or your agent must advise the Chief License Inspector or License Coordinator when the sign has been installed on the site.
The City's notification letter to surrounding residents and businesses (when required), advising them of your application will not be sent until written confirmation and a photograph of the sign on the site after installation has been received.
Removal of signs
Signs must remain in place until Council has given a decision on the application, and must be removed no later than 7 days after the decision.
The City will prepare and circulate a notification flyer to surrounding residents and businesses located within a minimum radius 2 blocks (or approximately 230 metres), of the existing or proposed establishment.
The Notice of Application encourages all recipients to provide comments within three weeks from the date of the notice. Notices are circulated only after the Licence Coordinator has received confirmation that the site sign is installed.
If a public meeting is required, the applicant must schedule a meeting and the City will advertise it to the public.
The purpose of the meeting is to:
Provide a forum to present a preliminary staff position on the proposal and an objective assessment of potential impacts of the proposal to area residents and business operators.
Give the applicant an opportunity to provide further clarification on the nature of the proposal.
Provide residents and local businesses an opportunity to voice their concerns and ask questions of both staff and applicant.
We will normally schedule the public meeting in the last week of the neighbourhood flyer notification period or shortly after. Attendance at the meeting will be recorded and each attendee will be asked to indicate their support or opposition to the proposal. Verbatim minutes of the meeting are not recorded.
In cases where there appears to be considerable negative feedback or a clear split in support for and against the proposal within the neighbourhood, the City recommends a telephone survey.
The actual cost of the telephone survey, determined through a bid process, is in addition to the processing fee of $1,094 and is estimated at approximately $5,219. The telephone survey cost must be paid to the City by the applicant. The City then reimburses the firm chosen to conduct the survey.
A bid request to conduct the telephone survey is submitted to approve pre-qualified vendors by the City Purchasing Department. The lowest bidder is awarded the contract. The City specifies the following:
Area from which the sample is to be taken
Required number of completed calls
Required level of sample accuracy
Times during which phone calls can be made
Languages in which the interviews will be conducted
Script and questions and all other information that may be required.
The Chief Licence Inspector will make a decision on whether or not to recommend the application to the LCRB for consideration.
The Chief Licence Inspector's decision considers comments from the following departments: Police, Fire Prevention, Development Services, Building Review and when applicable Social Development (including Central Area Planning, Heritage Planning, and Cultural Planning). The Chief Licence Inspector will recommend to endorse or not endorse and takes into account the following information:
The results of all public consultation(s) and a summary of public concerns and/or support
An analysis of your application with respect to existing Council policy, LCRB policy, your history/background, and all issues concerning the proposed location. We will also provide, when applicable, an objective pros and cons analysis of your application
All respondents providing their full name and address as part of the public consultation will be notified of the Chief Licence Inspector’s decision.
The Chief Licence Inspector’s decision is forwarded to the LCRB.