New multiple dwellings (multiplexes) with up to 6 units can be built on most lots in First Shaughnessy District, R1-1, RT-7, and RT-9 zoned areas. Learn more about multiplexes and other housing options in lower density areas.
Note Building a new multiplex requires separate development and building permits.
What's happeningFaster permit process for smaller-scale multiplex projects is underway
If your multiplex project features 3 to 4 units split in 2 buildings, you can now apply for your project’s Building Permit as soon as your Development Permit has been approved-in-principle.
Our goal is to speed up the multiplex permit procedure for smaller-scale buildings so that we process your Development Permit and your Building Permit at the same time.
Check back here for further updates.
Step 1: Research your property, engage a designer, and contact City staff
Step 2: Confirm electrical servicing requirements
Step 3: Prepare and submit development permit application
Step 4: Pay fees and application is reviewed
Step 5: A decision is made on your development application
Step 6: Development permit issued and apply for a building permit
Step 7: Begin construction, get trade permits, and book inspections
Step 8: Occupy building(s)
Contact the Development and Building Services Centre
The Development and Building Centre is open for in-person scheduled appointments or payments.
Location and mailing address
Development and Building Centre
515 West 10th Avenue, Ground Floor
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4A8
Permits, inspections, and forms
Apply for and manage permit
Review regulations and apply for the required permits for your construction or renovation project.
Book or cancel an electrical, plumbing, building, fire sprinkler, gas, or sidewalk inspection for your construction or renovation project.
Forms, checklists, and bulletins
View and download the building or development permit application forms and submission requirements.