Make a development permit enquiry

 If you have general questions or enquiries for detached houses, secondary suites, duplexes, multiplexes, laneway houses, building alterations, or changes of use, contact the Development and Building Services Centre.

Submit a development permit enquiry to get early feedback and guidance before preparing your application if your project is either:

  • Complex
  • Mixed-use
  • High-density
  • Rezoned

The development permit enquiry service is optional but highly encouraged. It can help you:

  • Identify technical requirements
  • Reduce delays and impacts later in the approvals process

Staff will help you identify high-level design and technical challenges and give advice and direction on form of development, variances, relaxations, and areas of discretion within our regulations.

Development permit enquires require preliminary drawings. Review the Development Advice (Enquiry) Checklist (160 KB) to help you prepare a complete enquiry.

All questions are required unless marked optional.