690 Burrard St

How we protect heritage properties

We provide a range of management tools and incentives to support heritage conservation and ongoing care for Vancouver’s heritage.

Vancouver Heritage Register (VHR)

The Vancouver Heritage Register (VHR) is a list of 2,300 buildings and structures that Council has formally recognized for their heritage value.

Heritage designation

Protecting a heritage building or landscape from alterations that could lead to a significant loss of character or value.

Vancouver's heritage areas

We've created regulations and companion design guidelines that preserve and protect Chinatown, Gastown, Shaughnessy, and Yaletown.

Heritage review process

Properties on the VHR and properties identified as potential additions to it will undergo a heritage review.

Heritage revitalization agreements

This legally binding agreement could restore, preserve, and protect the property in return for development incentives.

Heritage density transfers

We provide transferrable density as a heritage rehabilitation incentive.

Character Home Retention Incentives Program

Heritage and character buildings are an important component of defining neighbourhood identity and character.

Heritage plaque program

Historic buildings in Vancouver that are protected by heritage designations or other legal agreements are marked by a special plaque or marker.