Comparison of DCLs, CACs, and Density Bonusing

Compare how Development Cost Levies (DCLs), Community Amenity Contributions (CACs), and Density Bonusing on new developments help public spaces and facilities in Vancouver.

  DCLs CACs Density Bonusing
Applies to All developments, in all zones - including those being rezoned. Only developments that are being rezoned. All development seeking the allowed additional density within certain zones.
Payment due date When the building permit is issued. Before rezoning enactment. When the building permit is issued.
Allocation and delivery Partially fund parks, childcare facilities, replacement housing, and engineering infrastructure. Projects are delivered via the City's capital program. Contribute to community centres, libraries, daycares, park improvements, neighbourhood houses, and more. Projects can either be delivered as in-kind facilities, or as payments in lieu. Amenities and affordable housing are allocated in the public benefits strategies of community plans (example: parks, community facilities, daycare). Projects can be delivered as in-kind facilities or as payments in lieu.
Contribution type Flat rate per square foot of gross floor space to be built. Various approaches, including CAC targets and site-specific negotiation. Flat rate per square foot of 'bonus density' to be built. Projects can also be delivered as in-kind facilities.