Vote by mail

Ready to apply?

Apply to vote by mail

You can also phone 3-1-1 (if you are a registered voter) or go in person to the Vancouver Election Office or City Hall to apply.

If you're a non-resident property elector, learn how you can apply to vote by mail.

Apply to receive your ballot by mail. Complete the ballot at home, and return by mail or drop off at a designated drop box.

You will NOT be able to vote in-person if you have already been issued a mail ballot.

Ballots need to be received by by 8pm on election day, April 5, 2025, for the ballot to be counted. 

If you are eligible to vote, you can vote by mail

Check if you're eligible to vote

Are you registered to vote?

Check if you're registered to vote

If you're not registered to vote, you can submit an application online when you apply to vote by mail.

Review what ID you need to register to vote.

Receiving the vote-by-mail package

Returning your vote-by-mail package

Ballots received after the deadline will not be counted and postmarks will not be considered.

Key dates

Tuesday, March 18, at 8:30am Mail out begins for vote-by-mail packages; requested packages available for pick up at the Election Office
Monday, March 24, at noon Deadline to request a vote-by-mail package to be mailed
Tuesday, April 1, at noon Deadline to request a vote-by-mail package for pick up at the Election Office
Friday, April 4, at noon Deadline to pick up vote-by-mail package from the Election Office
Saturday, April 5 (election day)

5pm: Deadline to put completed mail ballot in a designated community centre drop box

8pm: Deadline to put completed mail ballot in City Hall and Election Office drop boxes

Election Office

305 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1N6

Office hours from February 3 to May 9, 2025:
8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, except on statutory holidays

Contact us

Phone: 604-829-2010


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