The City of Vancouver, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Vancouver Public Library, and Britannia Community Services Centre Society (BCSCS) have been working with the community on the renewal of the Britannia Community Services Centre and the 17.04 acre site.
What's happeningBritannia Renewal project update
The Britannia Renewal project has been planned in a phased approach as funding became available. The project had dedicated funding for some building design and early rezoning planning for the renewal.
Shifting focus: prioritizing maintenance requirements
The necessary funding for future phases, including construction, is currently unavailable. It has become apparent that maintenance and repairs for existing facilities at Britannia have become even more urgent. Partners are shifting from planning for the renewal to assessing those critical maintenance needs and prioritizing that work.
The work done so far, in collaboration with the community, will be essential for future planning. We sincerely appreciate the community's support and participation in this project.