Cartoon of multiple people asking questions with caption do you know your rights as a renter?

Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy (TRPP)

Rising housing costs and low rental-housing vacancy rates mean renters may have difficulty finding and affording suitable housing.

This difficulty increases when they have to move because their building gets renovated or redeveloped.

We're taking action to add immediate supports for renters. 

Enhanced Broadway Plan area protections

On June 22, 2022, Council approved the Broadway Plan, which introduced enhanced tenant protections for renters in the Broadway Plan area, in addition to the existing City-wide Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy (TRPP).

Learn more about the enhanced Broadway Plan area protections

On June 26, 2024, the same enhanced protections were extended to Transit-Oriented Areas and to RM zones in the Grandview-Woodland Plan area.

Have questions about enhanced tenant protections in these areas? Email us at

For other renter-related concerns, review renter supports and protections.

What's happening

About the Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy

The policy:

  • Applies to rezoning and development applications received from February 15, 2016 onward
  • Replaces the City's Rate of Change Guidelines (which applies to development applications received before February 15, 2016)
  • Supplements the BC Residential Tenancy Act

Related documents


How you're protected if your landlord plans to renovate or develop the unit or building you rent.

Owners and developers

What you must do to help renters if you're redeveloping. Access applicant checklists and templates.

Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy enquiry line 

Phone: 604-673-8001

For questions about our Tenant Relocation Policy, including eligibility and compensation.