Amendments to zoning and land use documents

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Zoning and land use document library

Review recent changes to our zoning and land use by-laws, policies, guidelines, and bulletins.

Amendments to zoning and land use regulations, whether in the Zoning and Development By-law or in an official development plan, require Council approval by adoption of an amending by-law following a public hearing.

Amendments to policies and guidelines are also approved by Council, but don't require a public hearing. Review recent events, decisions, and reports at City Council meetings

Changes to regulations, policies, and guidelines are outlined in more detail in staff reports to Council. Changes to bulletins are outlined on this page.

Explanation of amendments

Under each explanation, you’ll find links to the:

  • Amending by-law and an outline of the changes (if applicable)
  • Public hearing or Council agenda, meeting minutes, decisions, and related staff reports

Review amendments to:

Zoning and Development By-law 

Official development plan by-laws

Policies and guidelines 
