Share your thoughts on improving Broadway public places and spaces
As part of Broadway Plan implementation, the City of Vancouver is looking for feedback on how to create more public places for people in Kitsilano, Fairview and Mount Pleasant.
Over the next 30 years, the Broadway Plan area (generally located east to west between Clark Drive and Vine Street, and north to south between 1st and 16th Avenues) will experience significant growth and positive change, along with increased demand on public spaces. The new Broadway Subway also provides an opportunity to reallocate road space into people space and reimagine Broadway as a Great Street.
Starting today, a public survey and additional information are available on the City’s Shape Your City engagement site at shapeyourcity.ca/broadway-public-realm.
Open until October 22, 2023, the survey will allow people to share their thoughts on improving public spaces in the Broadway Plan area to create a better experience and more places to play, relax, socialize and feel more connected to nature.
Feedback received will help shape the directions of the Broadway Public Realm and Streetscape Plan, which will guide improvements to help make neighbourhoods in the area more livable, accessible, sustainable, and complete. The Public Realm and Streetscape Plan will consider enhancements such as: public plazas and other spaces, trees and greenery, wider sidewalks, and accessibility features, with the goal of creating a vibrant, appealing environment for people and businesses.
Related planning
Burrard Slopes Park falls within the Broadway Plan area. The Broadway Plan, along with other policies and feedback gathered through the Burrard Slopes Park planning process, will guide design decisions for the park. Learn more and provide feedback on Burrard Slopes Park at shapeyourcity.ca/burrard-slopes-park.
The Broadway Plan was adopted by City Council in June 2022, putting in place a 30-year plan that will integrate new housing, job space and amenities with the Broadway Subway.
Broadway is one of the vital connectors in the city and region and the area’s population is estimated to grow by up to 50,000 people over the next 30 years. As Vancouver’s second downtown, it’s home to the second largest job centre in B.C. and runs through several neighbourhoods: Kitsilano, Fairview and Mount Pleasant.