Patio season in Vancouver kicks off this week
Since simplifying and expanding our patio program during the pandemic, patios have become an integral part of summer in Vancouver.
This week marks the official kick off of Vancouver’s Summer Patio Program, which runs annually from April 1st to October 31st. Patio-goers can expect the return of their favorite seasonal sidewalk and curbside patios city-wide.
“As we kick off another patio season in Vancouver, we celebrate not only the warmer weather and the opportunity to enjoy our beautiful city outdoors, but also the economic benefits that patios bring to our local businesses”, says Mayor Ken Sim. “Patios are an integral part of the Vancouver we are working to build: a vibrant, livable city that supports local entrepreneurs and encourages community connection. I’m excited to see another summer of Vancouver’s thriving patio culture, and the many ways it enhances both our local economy and quality of life.”
We anticipate over 200 curbside and sidewalk patios to be installed as part of the Summer Patio Program. This is in addition to the 375 patios that operate year-round.
As curbside patios begin to operate across Vancouver, residents may notice changes to the street, including the addition of concrete barriers and tapers. Concrete barriers and tapers are installed along the roadway to protect patio patrons from vehicle traffic.
As part of the Patio Program, the City continues to balance the needs of many, and staff will continue to work with patio operators to ensure that patios follow accessibility guidelines, which are in place to ensure everyone can safely and easily move along the sidewalk and in the public realm.
The City is currently conducting a review of the patio program, which includes assessing the permit fees, design guidelines, and accessibility guidelines. The Patio Program Review is ongoing and will inform future changes to the program, likely in 2025. The review of the patio program will not change patio applications or renewals this year. An update to Council on the Patio Program Review is planned for late 2024.
The City is committed to fostering a vibrant public life and supporting community oriented public spaces through special events, plazas and patios. The City extends its appreciation to our ongoing partnerships with the hospitality industry, BIAs, and businesses as we work together to kick off another successful patio season.
Learn more about the Summer Patio Program.