City Hall's 12th Avenue entrance

Roundup of Business at City Council for the week of January 22, 2024

January 25 2024 –

City Council met this week to hear and discuss a variety of topics during Council, and Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities.

Tuesday, January 23

This week’s Council began with the Mayor presenting the International Holocaust Remembrance Day proclamation. 

Council then approved the following reports and referral reports on consent: 

After receiving a presentation on 2024 Assessment Roll - Presentation by BC Assessment Authority (1.3 MB), Council approved Mayor’s Budget Task Force Report  (9 MB), with amendments.

Council then approved By-laws 1-12 (22 MB) and By-law 13  (389 KB).

On Tuesday evening, a Public Hearing was held where Council approved:

Due to time constraints, CD-1 Rezoning: 2015 Main Street and 190 East 4th Avenue (118 KB) was deferred to the Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 30.

Wednesday, January 24

The Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities began with the Mayor presenting the Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia proclamation.

Following that, the Standing Committee received a presentation on Climate Emergency – Meeting Vancouver’s Electricity Needs by BC Hydro (4 MB).

The Standing Committee then approved the following reports and member’s motion:

A Council meeting was convened immediately following the Standing Committee meeting in which Council approved the recommendations and actions of the preceding Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities. 

The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 9:30 am. Find agendas and meeting reports on