Share your thoughts on City’s draft 2023-2026 Capital Plan
Proposed $3.4 billion investment in current and future infrastructure
The draft 2023-2026 Capital Plan PDF file (4 MB), released this month, proposes an investment of $3.4 billion in infrastructure and amenities to support the delivery of City services, now and into the future. Investment areas include water and sewer pipes, roads, sidewalks, affordable housing, childcare, arts and culture, parks, community facilities like recreation centres and libraries, public safety facilities like firehalls, service yards, fleet vehicles, and more.
Those who live, work, and play in Vancouver are invited to review the plan to learn more about how we plan to invest in its infrastructure and amenities over the next four years, and to share their feedback.
A network of well-maintained infrastructure and amenities keeps City services running smoothly, and contributes to the well-being and quality of life of Vancouver residents and viability of businesses. Making new investments in these areas is also essential, to support a growing population and economy.
Share your thoughts
Public participation is important as we seek to create a plan that will keep Vancouver vibrant and resilient for years to come. From now until May 22, 2022, share your thoughts on the draft plan, and in particular, your priorities for capital investments:
- Visit Shape Your City to learn more and complete a survey (available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Vietnamese)
- Register to attend a virtual information and Q&A session:
- Wednesday, May 11, 1pm to 2pm
- Thursday, May 12, 6pm to 7pm
- Contact City Council directly to share feedback on the draft plan
- Share these opportunities with your networks
Overview of the draft 2023-26 Capital Plan
The draft capital plan proposes investments of:
- $1.9 billion in the critical work required to maintain and renew our existing network of infrastructure and amenities, so they can continue to support the delivery of public services
- $1.3 billion in new and expanded infrastructure and amenities to support Vancouver’s growing population and economy, guided by existing community plans, public benefits strategies and our strategies such as the Climate Emergency Action Plan, Housing Vancouver and Transportation 2040
- $0.2 billion to support projects where the City is a partner, such as grants to build non-market housing, and programs to support energy retrofits of private buildings
Investments are proposed across 12 service categories:
- Housing
- Childcare
- Parks and public open spaces
- Arts, culture, and heritage
- Community facilities
- Public safety
- Civic facilities and equipment
- Streets
- One water
- Waste collection
- Diversion and disposal
- Renewable energy
- Technology
The proposed plan focuses on the following priorities for investments:
- Renew critical aging water and sewer infrastructure to enhance water quality and service delivery.
- Renew and upgrade aging community facilities (such as recreation centres and libraries), public safety facilities, and civic facilities to support the delivery of core services that contribute to liveable communities and the well-being of residents, and strengthen business continuity.
- Preserve and create affordable housing and childcare to support residents and grow Vancouver’s economy.
- Advance the City’s climate emergency goals, in line with the Climate Emergency Action Plan and Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.
Public feedback will be shared in an engagement summary, and will help inform the final 2023-2026 Capital Plan, which will be presented to Council for approval in early July 2022.