Update on Parks Control By-law compliance in CRAB Park
With the relocation of intended users back into the cleaned and repaired CRAB Park Designated Area now complete, the Temporary Sheltering Area on the south side of the park is now ended.
Last week, Park Rangers distributed the GM Notice to people on the south side informing them that the Temporary Sheltering Area was ended, returning the park area to regular park use. As part of these daily conversations, Rangers encouraged people to start to take down their structures during the day and advised them that daily By-law compliance work would start up again this week.
Beginning today, April 16, 2024, Park Rangers from the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, accompanied by VPD to ensure staff safety and to keep the peace, will be working to ensure people who are still sheltering on the south side take down their tents and structures during the daytime in compliance with section 11 of the Parks Control By-law.
Section 11 allows for temporary sheltering overnight in parks by individuals without housing and requires that tents and structures be taken down during the day to balance the needs of the community to use and access parks during the day. As always, the shared goal of the Park Board and the City is to support those sheltering outdoors to come inside. Since last week, the Designated Area has been reduced from 16 to 14 sheltering spaces as two more intended users moved indoors. As people sheltering in the Designated Area move inside, the Park Board will continue to incrementally reduce the Designated Area until the whole area can be returned to regular park use.
Park Board and City staff recognize that the new Designated Area has more structure and rules compared to the previous area. This is being done to keep conditions in the Designated Area clean and safe and prevent it from growing. Use of the Designated Area remains voluntary – people can decide to stop using the area at any time if they do not wish to comply with the General Manager’s Notice.
If people sheltering in CRAB Park have ongoing concerns, they are invited to speak to Park Rangers who attend the site daily or contact 3-1-1 who will forward any questions or comments to Park Rangers for follow-up.
The City of Vancouver’s Homelessness Services Outreach team continues to connect with people sheltering outdoors across the city, supporting them to access income, support services and housing and shelter spaces as they become available.
Staff at the City and Park Board appreciate the patience of the broader community as we work to return CRAB Park back to daytime use.
Related Materials
- March 18: Final cleanup process shared for CRAB Park (information bulletin)
- March 25: Cleanup and compliance work in CRAB Park underway (information bulletin)
- April 3: City and Park Board complete cleanup at CRAB Park (information bulletin)
- April 8: Relocation into cleaned and repaired CRAB Park Designated Area now complete (information bulletin)
- CRAB Park Cleanup and Compliance Plan and related materials External website, opens in new tab (Google Drive link)