Wine to hit shelves in Vancouver grocery stores
At a public hearing yesterday, City Council approved bylaw amendments to allow the sale of wine on shelves in grocery stores in Vancouver.
Grocery stores larger than 10,000 square feet that have both a provincial wine store licence and a municipal business licence may sell wine on shelves provided they meet all provincial requirements.
“The convenience of purchasing wine while grocery shopping has been accessible to many British Columbians for quite some time,” said Mayor Ken Sim. “We're excited for Vancouver to finally join other municipalities with enhanced shopping experiences. This decision not only makes shopping more convenient, but it also supports the province’s wine industry.”
As part of its research and evaluation, the City consulted with existing licence holders and operators, industry groups, as well as health, safety and crime prevention organizations.
“Allowing wine on shelves not only supports businesses but also ensures residents have access to the services they desire in the most efficient way possible,” said Sarah Hicks, Chief Licence Inspector. “This change brings Vancouver in line with other municipalities across the Lower Mainland.”
Provincial Requirements
Grocery stores in Vancouver must meet provincial requirements PDF file (531 KB) to sell wine on shelf:
- Have at least 10,000 square feet of space including storage space.
- Hold a valid provincial wine store licence that permits wine on shelf in grocery stores.
- Ensure staff conducting the sale are at least 19 years of age and possess a valid Serving it Right certificate.
- Have an approved security plan.
View information regarding the sale of wine on shelves in grocery stores.