About 8640 results
PDF - 2020 Kerrisdale Social Indicators Profile
trends to illustrate change over time. Understanding...non-response bias rather than true change in the neighbourhood2021-budget-appendices.xlsx
combined sewers with separated sanitary and storm...impacts of climate change, including constructing floodPDF - 2020 Grandview-Woodland Social Indicators Profile
trends to illustrate change over time. Understanding...non-response bias rather than true change in the neighbourhoodPDF - 2020 Hastings-Sunrise Social Indicators Profile
Canadian citizens, higher rates than in the...is challenging given changing measures, low income rates have consistently beenPDF - 2020 Sunset Social Indicators Profile
focus on population change from the 2011...s. Notably, the rate of loss of...had moved. Both rates are lower than...trends in the rate of people newPDF - MINUTES
control over occupancy rates. Ms. Linehan noted...units therefore the rate of change in terms of...window to wall ratio is 35 percentPDF - Broadway Plan Implementation Report - Early Distribution
a pace of change to existing apartment...significant near-term change in areas close...while enabling incremental change and redevelopment inPDF - 2020 Victoria-Fraserview Social Indicators Profile
trends to illustrate change over time. Understanding...local knowledge of change since 2016 can...identify more recent change: in particular, thePDF - 2020 Renfrew-Collingwood Social Indicators Profile
of work is changing over time as...distribution of jobs change. About two-thirds...city, with the rate in RenfrewCollingwood lowerPDF - FOI Proactive Release - 2023-521
with a financial rating of Vlll or...policy holder's rating of A- or...edition of Best Rating Guide on Property