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PDF - Downtown Eastside Social Impact Assessment - Spring 2014
of DTES residents. Rather than being defined...second highest growth rate of low-income...citywide. The unemployment rate in the DTESPDF - 2024-02-08-hemlock-looper-impact-and-wildfire-risk-assessment-final-report
based on occupancy rate in addition to...Example of forest change – areas with...Example of forest change – areas withPDF - Zero Emissions Economic Transition Action Plan (ZEETAP)
and Theory of Change ................................. 8 Developing the theory of change ....................................................... 9 Policy can...A theory of change for ZEETAP ......................................................... 12PDF - Memo to Mayor and Council August 11. 2020
not seasonally adjusted1 . Changes in employment totals and unemployment rate Employment in Vancouver...PDF - 2020 Arbutus-Ridge Social Indicators Profile
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5 million in operating costs to support...also evidence of change in the income...some of this change, these trends indicatePDF - Downloading report and Tax bill information
impacts of climate change, and the requirement...City’s climate change adaptation strategy includes...and labour market change, and this hasPDF - Downtown Eastside Local Area Profile -2013
where w e changes affec many vulnerab pid changes occu enovations of...Capac on current rate e Rate of Chang d proximity toPDF - FOI Proactive Release - 2023-142
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for a higher rate of pay - I...just to maintain ratios. - Our hours of...staff to child ratios must be maintained...prefer standard hours] rate of pay Child