What is graffiti
In the City by-law, graffiti is defined as “one or more letters, symbols or marks, howsoever made, on any structure or thing” placed without the property owner or tenant’s prior, written authorization. This definition includes tagging and advertising.
Unauthorized graffiti is a community issue and is best addressed using a collaborative and holistic approach.
We're committed to removing and preventing graffiti on public property and supporting residents and businesses to do the same.
Our Integrated Graffiti Management Program (IGMP) provides strategic direction and programs to manage unauthorized graffiti and manages our graffiti removal services on public property.
Graffiti art wall pilot
We're exploring the benefits and feasibility of sanctioned graffiti zones.
Managing graffiti on your property
Property owners are required to remove unauthorized graffiti within 10 days of receiving a notice.
Review our guide summarizing tips, programs, and frequently asked questions to help manage graffiti.