Britannia Rink

The Britannia ice rink is currently closed for maintenance and upgrades. It is expected to reopen in fall 2025.

What you need to know

Britannia Rink is part of the Britannia Community Centre. It is located just off Commercial Drive west of the Napier Greenway.

Britannia Community Centre, Fitness Centre, Aquatic Centre, and Rink

Register for recreation programs and services

  • Register for activities
  • Drop-in schedules
  • Recreation passes
  • Facility use requests

Register for, purchase, and view recreation programs and services

Rink rentals

Reserve a Vancouver ice rink for ice skating, hockey, and ringette activities, and trade shows, ball hockey, or parties. Learn to reserve and view rates.


Britannia Community Centre is located at 1661 Napier St in Vancouver. Amenities include a pool, ice rink, a fitness centre, and more.