The Cambie Bridge at night with bright street lights

Archived - Cambie Bridge closed overnight for filming on April 26

Use alternate routes when travelling to and from downtown

April 25 2024 –

The Cambie Bridge will be closed to all vehicle, foot and cycling traffic overnight on Friday, April 26 for filming of a major motion picture between 8 pm to 6 am.

  • Traffic will be closed in both directions from 7th Avenue to Beatty Street.
  • Transit buses will be rerouted. 
  • Drivers, pedestrians and cyclists travelling to and from downtown will need to use alternate routes. 
  • Residents may notice noise from drones and lights from cranes, which will be used during filming. 
  • The bridge will reopen to traffic at 6 am on Saturday morning. 

The City strongly supports Vancouver’s thriving film and TV industry, which creates major economic and community benefits for local residents and businesses.

Additional Traffic Impacts: Stanley Cup Playoffs

Please also note Game 3 of the 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs takes place at 4:30 pm on Friday April 26 in Nashville. A reminder to all Vancouver residents, visitors and businesses during the Stanley Cup Playoffs, downtown traffic may be slower on game days - for home and away games. Please plan ahead and anticipate delays. Whenever possible walk, bike, roll, or take transit to and from downtown.
