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City issues more temporary patio permits as part of ongoing business recovery support

The Mount Pleasant BIA has been very supportive of the Temporary Expedited Patio Program from the outset.

said Neil Wyles, Executive Director, Mount Pleasant Business Improvement Area

June 19 2020 –

Since launching the Temporary Expedited Patio Program on Monday, June 1, we have issued 85 patio permits. As Vancouver businesses prepare for what is traditionally their busiest season, temporary patios are helping to move seating outdoors so that physical distancing requirements can be followed.  

Permits received to date

Here’s a breakdown of the permits received to date: 

Status Public patios Private patios
Approved 73 12
Under review 19 16
Outside scope 55 0
Total received 147 28

View the full list of approved patio locations

“The Mount Pleasant BIA has been very supportive of the Temporary Expedited Patio Program from the outset,” said Neil Wyles, Executive Director, Mount Pleasant Business Improvement Area. “We realized right away that in order for our businesses to continue, they would need some extra space for physical distancing. We have been working closely with City staff as they navigate the new issues and realities of this pandemic and it has been rewarding to see applications make their way through the approval process.” 

Private property patios

On June 11, City Council approved the expansion of the Temporary Expedited Patio Program from only patios on public land to now include patios on private properties. We are currently accepting proposals for private property patios in advance of the zoning changes being enacted. Businesses can submit a patio proposal

At this time, 16 private patio applicants are working with City staff to complete their applications or find interim options.

Staff expect permits for private property patios to be available by the end of the month with approval granted within five business days for patios that do not require construction. 

“As co-owner of three restaurants and a brewery in Vancouver, I can attest to the incredible hardship all restaurants in the city have endured during COVID-19 closures,” said David Nicolay, co-owner of the Cascade Group and Main Street Brewing Co. “With the expansion of patio options in line with the Province’s recommendations of safer outdoor space to gather, restaurants will have an amazing opportunity to capitalize on the summer patio season. The application portal was easy and efficient to use, and thanks to City staff for insuring the incredibly quick turnaround.”

Patios for breweries, wineries, and distilleries

A public hearing regarding patios for breweries, wineries, and distillers will be held, on June 30 (pending Council approval). If the proposed by-law is passed, it will enable operators to apply for a temporary patio on private property valid until October 31.

Over the next few weeks, City staff will work with breweries, wineries, and distilleries to prepare their applications. If approved by Council, breweries, wineries and distilleries who submit completed development permit applications that do not require construction can expect to receive their permit for a patio on private property within five business days.

As of June 1, breweries with an existing restaurant or lounge seeking a patio can apply for a temporary patio permit online through the Temporary Expedited Patio Program. 

Ongoing business support

In an effort to assist the business community, we have established the COVID-19 Business Communications and Support Office. 

The office is a single point of contact for Vancouver’s local business owners to get information from us regarding business support programs, to learn what City-run business services are currently available, and to make suggestions to us concerning business and the economy.

Local businesses seeking help can connect with the office by:


  • On March 19, Council passed a by-law that allowed the City of Vancouver to issue emergency orders to help curb the spread of COVID-19
  • On March 20, 2020, we issued an order restricting restaurants from offering table service and limiting the number of customers in any place to no more than 10 people - only takeout or delivery were allowed
  • On May 12, Council directed City staff to work on a new, faster online application process to provide increased flexibility for restaurants to provide service outdoors
  • On May 19, te rescinded the emergency order to shut down restaurant table service
  • On June 1, we launched the temporary expedited patio program
  • On June 11, Council approved bylaw amendments to include patios on private property as part of the Temporary Expedited Patio Program