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In the month since the Temporary Expedited Patio Program was launched, the City has issued over 180 temporary patio permits.

July 3 2020 –

In the month since the Temporary Expedited Patio Program was launched, we have issued over 180 temporary patio permits.

As part of our efforts to support businesses recovery efforts, temporary patios allow food and liquor serving establishments to expand their indoor seating outside and maintain physical distancing requirements. Temporary patio permits are free to local businesses and are valid until October 31, 2020. 

Since launching the program on June 1, we have issued 182 patio permits.

Permits received to date

Status Public patios  Private patios
Approved 151 31
Under review 16 12
Outside scope 78 0
Total received 245 43

Learn more about the Temporary Expedited Patio Program and review a full list of approved patio locations

Pop-up plazas 

As part of our efforts to help residents safely return to community life as businesses continue to reopen, we have installed a sixth pop-up plaza in Gastown. Working in partnership with the Gastown BIA, we have closed a portion of the 200-block of Carrall to motorists to provide space for public seating, patios, physical distancing, walking, and cycling, and other activities.

More details and provide feedback on the pop-up plazas

Breweries, wineries and distilleries can now apply online

Breweries, wineries and distilleries can now apply online for a temporary patio on private property. At a public hearing earlier this week, City Council unanimously approved zoning by-law changes to expand the Temporary Expedited Patio Program. 

Over the last month, City staff have been working with breweries, wineries, and distilleries to prepare their submissions for patios on private property. These businesses can now apply for a temporary patio. Applicants who do not require construction on their patio can expect to receive their permit within five business days of submitting their completed application.

Permits for patios on public property will continue to be issued within two business days.

Ongoing business support

In an effort to assist the business community, we have established the COVID-19 Business Communications and Support Office. 

The office is a single point of contact for Vancouver’s local business owners to get information from us about business support programs, to learn what City-run business services are currently available, and to make suggestions to us concerning business and the economy.

Local businesses seeking help can connect with the office by: