City launches dashboard to highlight COVID-19 issues and response

April 17 2020 –

We released an online dashboard for you to track our emergency response and efforts to curb to the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). As we take unprecedented steps to adapt services and mobilize resources to help support everyone impacted by this public health emergency, this tool provides a snapshot view of integral services and will be updated regularly to keep you informed and up to date on the latest information.

Like VanDashboard which tracks metrics on a wide variety of City services, the COVID-19 Dashboard provides an inside look at a number of key metrics and service areas that have been activated during this public health emergency.

Dashboard categories include:

  • Compliance education - how we're supporting public health orders and guidelines
  • Travel - how traffic and transportation patterns have changed
  • Childcare for essential workers - how we're helping connect frontline workers with childcare options
  • Homelessness and low-income housing - how vulnerable populations are being supported through housing and hygiene initiatives
  • Food security - how access to healthy food is being supported
  • Contributions - how businesses and individuals are supporting their community

View our COVID-19 Dashboard

We're actively working on the dashboard and will be adding new metrics and trends over time. The dashboard may take some time to load and improvements to page performance are coming soon.

"Vancouverites have made tremendous efforts to flatten the curve but the work is not done yet," said COVID-19 Task Force Chief Darrell Reid. "As we track this data it supports not only our evolving response to COVID-19 but also helps give an accurate picture of what efforts are being made to help residents, especially our vulnerable neighbours who are most impacted during this time and those working on the frontlines."

Providing the public with COVID-19 data has been a key component of the federal and provincial emergency response. While we haven't seen a dashboard like this before at the municipal level, we felt it was the right thing for us to do. Providing you with transparent and reliable information can both build awareness and connect people with resources, like childcare support or ways to help.

Actions you can take

Our Stay Home, Stay Put public campaign reminds you of the five main actions you can take to help limit the spread of the virus, including:

  1. Maintain physical distance of at least 2 metres with others outside your home.
  2. Avoid any gatherings of people on private property, at work, or in parks.
  3. Work from home if possible.
  4. Only go out for essential activities such as shopping for groceries, picking up prescriptions, and exercising alone or with members of your household.
  5. Stay home if you are sick or showing symptoms.

These steps will help keep us, our loved ones, neighbours, and colleagues safe and means we will be in a much stronger position to recover and rebuild when this pandemic is over.