Graphic with blue background and words Restart Smart Vancouver in yellow and white lettering

Council establishes COVID-19 Recovery Committee

June 15 2020 –

Vancouver City Council has created a special committee to gather advice and insight from experts and stakeholders, as it continues to push forward the city’s recovery from the pandemic. 

The Council COVID-19 Recovery Committee (CCRC) is made up of all Council members and began work on May 22. The Committee will be hearing from experts and stakeholders on a range of issues, and has already received advice from leading economic advisors (58 KB).

Priority themes

The CCRC will meet about every two weeks between now and the end of July. Each meeting will focus on a different priority theme, including:

  • Economic recovery and complete communities
  • New fiscal tools for the City
  • Housing and homelessness
  • The municipal government role and response
  • COVID recovery and the climate emergency

The findings and recommendations of the CCRC will be incorporated into Restart Smart Vancouver (331 KB), the City’s COVID-19 Recovery Program. 

Next meeting takes place on June 17 at 1pm

Members of the public can listen in to CCRC proceedings via the City website, or can follow proceedings on Twitter @VanCityClerk.

The CCRC schedule will be posted on the City meetings webpage.

Restart Smart Vancouver plan

The Restart Smart Vancouver plan is designed to restart the city’s economy in a way which is both effective and guards our hard-won gains in containing the virus.

The plan lays out a carefully considered phased approach to bring City activity and services back. Guided by the call to “Stay strong, stay local,” the plan emphasizes safe access to community activities and services for residents and support for local businesses. 

Vancouverites have been doing a great job of reducing the spread of COVID-19 by staying home and staying put. As we move into recovery, we are asking you to:

  • Stay Strong – keep 2 metres apart, do not attend large gatherings, and stay home if you are feeling unwell
  • Stay Local – support your neighbourhoods and local businesses

For the latest information on what is open and other COVID-19 information, check our website or our social media channels.