Mobi by Shaw Go and City offer free bike share pass to essential workers

90-day pass for workers on frontline of COVID-19 crisis

We are pleased to know that Mobi is working closely with Vancouver Coastal Health and BC Centre for Disease Control to ensure safe operations are maintained for their staff and the public.

Lon LaClaire, General Manager of Engineering Services

April 21 2020 –

Mobi by Shaw Go, in partnership with the City of Vancouver, has launched the Mobi by Shaw Go Essential Services Membership Program today to provide COVID-19 essential service employees with a free 90-day pass.

Public bike share remains operational for those who rely on it for transportation and their mental or physical wellbeing. Cycling continues to be a fast and convenient way to get around while maintaining safe physical distancing from others. 

Essential Services Membership Program details

  • Designated essential workers who must travel at this time such as those working in healthcare, transit, and grocery stores, can obtain a free 90-day pass by signing up through their employers.
  • Employers of essential services professionals should email to obtain enrollment information to distribute to staff.
  • Individuals working in these fields who recently purchased a membership or have upcoming membership renewals can also access a free 90-day pass.
  • The program includes unlimited 30 minute trips for 90 days.
  • The free membership will not auto renew.
  • For other members of the public, Mobi by Shaw Go will reduce the price of their annual pass for both new and renewing customers. Prices will be cut to $99 or $119, giving you unlimited 30 minute or 60 minute trips for an entire year. The 24-hour, 30-day, and 90-day pass options are still available for those looking for short-term passes.

Safety protocols

  • As a responsible transportation service provider, Mobi by Shaw Go encourages all riders to follow safe riding protocols as outlined on their website .
  • Mobi by Shaw Go’s response to COVID-19 along with their cleaning protocols have been updated in response to recommendations provided by Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH).
  • Further, Mobi by Shaw Go is diligently following the guidance provided by these health authorities to ensure riders remain safe.

Find information on Mobi by Shaw Go

Follow @CityofVancouver on Twitter to receive the latest updates on COVID-19. We continue to work with public health officials and multiple partners on the COVID-19 response.


Mia Kohout, General Manager of Mobi by Shaw Go

“While many people are working from home, we recognize there are still many employees who are critical to helping us fight this pandemic and serving the community at large,” says Mia Kohout, General Manager of Mobi by Shaw Go. “As they continue to work and shop for their own essential goods and services we want to provide them with a safe, free commuting option.”

Lon LaClaire, City’s General Manager of Engineering Services

Lon LaClaire, the City’s General Manager of Engineering Services, adds: “Mobi by Shaw Go has seen continued growth over the years and continued use throughout this health emergency. Supporting transportation options for Vancouver residents is even more important now during this crisis. We are pleased to know that Mobi is working closely with Vancouver Coastal Health and BC Centre for Disease Control to ensure safe operations are maintained for their staff and the public.”