Stanley Park seawall

Stanley Park to extend overnight closure hours to support Provincial coyote management plan

September 3 2021 –

The Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation will be extending the hours of the temporary closure of non-essential access to Stanley Park between the hours of 7pm and 9am beginning tonight. Previously the park was reopening at 7am.

The closure is in place to support the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development in their efforts to address the concerning number of coyote encounters in the park. It will remain in effect until the situation has been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties working across this response.

Visiting businesses within the park

During the closure, businesses within the park will remain open in accordance with their individual hours of operation. Patrons who wish to visit restaurants, and other businesses within the park should drive or take motorized transport to the venue and leave the park immediately afterwards.

Patrons are advised to contact individual businesses for more information on the nearest parking locations, and measures being taken to ensure safety, specific to each venue.

Those with tickets to upcoming events scheduled within the park are advised to confirm the same information alongside any further event logistics with organizers.

Access control points

Staff from the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation installed additional fencing infrastructure around the perimeter of the park today to support the overnight closure. 

Controlled access points and fencing are in effect throughout the park to prevent recreational use during the closure and ensure those entering between 7pm and 9am are doing so on essential business only, for example staff travelling to and from worksites within the park or visiting a business during its open hours of operation. Fencing will remain until the temporary closure is lifted.

While the Causeway will remain open, access to the seawall will be closed overnight. Park Rangers will be patrolling the park throughout the closure to monitor activity. Individuals who remain in the park after the closure begins will have unrestricted access to leave through the control points.

Be aware of your surroundings

The public are reminded to dispose of garbage appropriately and that feeding all wildlife within the park, including coyotes, raccoons and birds, is strictly prohibited.

Visitors to the park must also be aware of their surroundings, especially at dusk and dawn. If a coyote is encountered:

  • Make yourself big. Face the coyote, stand tall, arms stretched. Do not run.
  • Speak loudly and make noise (but do not scream).
  • Call the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277 to report any feeding of coyotes or aggressive coyote behaviour.