Water sprinkler

Watering restrictions begin May 1

April 28 2020 –

Starting Friday, May 1, we'll implement the annual watering restrictions set by Metro Vancouver, allowing lawn and garden watering two days per week. 

Seasonal watering restrictions are key to ensuring everyone has access to drinking water during the dry summer months. Climate change and a growing population have put pressure on regional water supplies. Water restrictions help ensure there is enough treated drinking water for essential tasks like cooking, cleaning and drinking—while still allowing for healthy landscapes.

Water restrictions remain an important requirement this season. As people do their part to reduce transmission of COVID-19 by staying home, many will spend more time tending lawns and gardens than other years. It’s important everyone remains mindful of watering restrictions, which are in effect until October 15. Watering outside of permitted times is a by-law offence and could result in a $250 fine. 

Permitted watering times

Even with watering restrictions, Vancouver’s water use doubles in the summer due to lawn and garden watering. Lawns in Vancouver generally need only one inch of water for one hour each week, including rainfall, to stay healthy and green. Residents can check their permitted watering through the VanConnect app or online

Lawn watering days for residential addresses

  • Even-numbered addresses: 4am to 9am on Wednesdays and Saturdays
  • Odd-numbered addresses: 4am to 9am on Thursdays and Sundays

Lawn watering days for non-residential addresses

  • Even-numbered addresses 1am to 6am on Mondays; 4am to 9am on Fridays
  • Odd-numbered addresses: 1am to 6am on Tuesdays; 4am to 9am on Fridays

Find more on how everyone can reduce their water consumption