About 792 results
PDF - CAC Policy and Housing Affordability - Review for the City of Vancouver
Could Affect Housing Prices?...............................................16 5.0...Trends in Housing Prices and Rents................................................................................19...construction or the price of housing. ThatPDF - Records related to the RFP and RFQ bidding process for the modular housing units in Marpole, including the final awarded contract along with the approval - Part 3
February 17, 2016 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (“RFQ”) No.PSVAHA2016-01 SELECTING PARTNERS F...PDF - All past alternative solutions and code consultant letters related to 2001 Nanton Avenue (4226 Arbutus Street is the old address for the same property).
~ Y OF VANCOUVER· File No.: 04-1000-20-2019-696 December 19, 2019 Dear .Z2(l) CITY CL...PDF - Implementation of “Vancouver Views” and Opportunities for Higher Buildings in the Downtown 2010-11-29
POLICY REPORT URBAN STRUCTURE Report Date: November 29, 2010 Contact: Kevin McNaney Co...PDF - Information related to the damage and wear and tear on the Harbour Green Dock at Coal Harbour from April 6,2018 to May 24, 2018
�TYOF VANCOUVER CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Access to Information & Privacy File No.: 04-1000...PDF - June 4, 2015 letter from Premier Christy Clark to the Mayor regarding housing affordability, foreign investment and ownership
of “highest and best use” of land...institutional silos. 6. Key assumptions that arePDF - Final consultant report generated from the RFP PS 07050 Consulting Services for Preliminary Engineering and Design for Phase Zero of the Downtown Streetcar Project, from 2008.
~YOF VANCOUVER File No.: 04-1000-20-2018-534 November 16, 2018 .22\fl Dear ·22(1) CIT...PDF - Copy of the administrative report "False Creek Residential Leasehold Properties - Prepayment Program" and any related appraisal reports in support of the said report.
Overview Highest and Best Use Valuation •...PDF - Copy of the administrative report "False Creek Residential Leasehold Properties - Prepayment Program" and any related appraisal reports in support of the said report.
Overview Highest and Best Use Valuation •...PDF - Copy of the administrative report "False Creek Residential Leasehold Properties - Prepayment Program" and any related appraisal reports in support of the said report.
Overview Highest and Best Use Valuation •...