About 8630 results
PDF - 2016-163-release.pdf
a floor space ratio ("FSR") of 17...our work to change. Where appropriate, we will change our scope ofPDF - FOI Proactive Release - 2022-084
at a lower rate. If the schedule allows...PDF - FOI Proactive Release - 2024-443
whatever "below market rate" 1s. The...earlier this year rated the fifth coolestPDF - development-permit-board-may-13-02.pdf
of other neighbourhoods rate higher than Strathcona...PDF - development-permit-board-mar-31-03.pdf
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it needs to change to ensure the...PDF - Resilient Vancouver Phase 1 engagment report
were asked to rate their perception of...shows how respondents rated their perceptions of...how those average ratings map onto thePDF - 2020-324 - FOI Proactive Release
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95 100+ Percentage Change Age in Years...of Population Population Change 2011-2016 Rate of Change in City ofPDF - Employment Lands and Economy Review EAG Meeting 4 - Plenary Presentation
potential for transformational change Long Term City...had an unemployment rate of 14% •...Workers/Jobs Employment changes by industry in