Welcome Broadway businesses

We launched an awareness campaign to support businesses during the construction of the Broadway Subway Project.


This campaign aims to increase awareness that Broadway businesses are open and encourage people to support them throughout the subway construction.

Campaign details

The Broadway business awareness campaign uses social media channels and targeted print advertising to encourage people to shop, eat, and play on Broadway.

A window decal was distributed in 2021 to businesses along Broadway, between Arbutus and Kingsway, to be placed in storefronts as a visual reminder to support businesses along the corridor.

Contact us if you have not received or need a new decal.

How to get involved

Help maximize the impact of the campaign for your business by:

Submit your photo or video

Do you have a business located on or near Broadway, and want to be considered for the online Support Broadway business awareness campaign? Get involved by submitting your own media content. 

Participants must be

  • A business owner or a manager of a Broadway business
  • Over the age of 18


  • Up to 3 photos or 1 video

Submission guidelines

  • media release form (1.3 MB) must be signed by anyone visible in the photos or video. By accepting the terms of the release, you are granting the City of Vancouver consent to display your submitted images and video online in support of the Broadway business campaign messaging.
  • Masks must be in place anywhere it is currently required.
  • No illegal activities or substances showing.
  • No images with specific business signage visible, however we can use photos or video that is visually distinctive of specific businesses, and welcome comments from followers that tag or mention individual business names.
  • The submitted content must not be licensed by a professional photographer or videographer.
  • Compensation is not provided for any photos or video used in the online campaign.
  • Photo credit will be provided for any photos or videos that are used online – this format may be either a Broadway business related social media handle or relevant business name.
  • We are unable to adhere to any specific requests relating to how the provided photos or video may be used.
  • While you will be notified if your submission will be used in the campaign, we cannot guarantee that you will be informed exactly when your submitted content will be available online.

Submit content

Get updates and follow-up survey

Please provide your email address so we can share updates
and a campaign-feedback survey with you later in June.

* Indicates required fields

Learn about construction and timelines

The Broadway Subway Project is being delivered by the provincial government and its contractor.

Learn more about the project

Campaign questions?