Rapid transit projects

How we support transit

  • Managing the street network to efficiently move transit vehicles 
  • Supporting transit planning and project delivery within the city
  • Optimizing land use around transit services, particularly for rapid transit, through corridor planning like the Cambie Corridor Plan and the Broadway Plan

TransLink  is the regional transportation authority for the Metro Vancouver region and is responsible for planning and operating the public transit system within Vancouver. 

When TransLink finishes planning a rapid transit project, the Province of BC contributes funding and typically oversees the delivery of that project.

Currently there are 3 rapid transit projects at various stages of planning and delivery in Vancouver across these 2 corridors.

Broadway rapid transit

The Broadway Corridor's current rapid transit projects are the Broadway Subway Project and Millennium Line UBC Extension.

Burrard Inlet rapid transit

TransLink will advance further study on the long-term rapid transit needs along the corridor through the Burrard Inlet Rapid Transit Program.