Roof and window of the top part of a house

Property tax

Property taxes help fund:

  • Many of our essential services like police, fire fighting, and emergency rescue
  • Recreation and community centres, libraries, parks, and much more
  • Services and support programs to build stronger communities

  Understanding your property tax notice 

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Learn about the Empty Homes Tax

Share your property tax payment experience

We want to learn about your experiences with property tax payments to help us improve our payment process.

Take our tax payment survey

Access your property tax account

The fastest and easiest way to access your account and declared property status.

Log in to your account

Set up an online account. You will need your access code. It can be found on your tax notice.

Property tax due dates

Advance taxes: February 4, 2025

Main taxes: July 3, 2024

Home owner grant: July 3, 2024 (Grant may be claimed once the main tax notice is received.)

Balance and tax notice

Get your account balance. Sign-up for eBilling to get your next notice by email. Learn why you may not get a notice.

Paying your taxes

Pay your property tax and Empty Homes Tax (Vacancy Tax). Get information on ways to pay your taxes.

Claiming your home owner grant

Effective 2021, home owner grants are to be submitted on the Province's new online system.

Find and change property information

Find and change information about your property, and get a tax certificate through your BC OnLine account.

Understanding your property tax notice

Learn how to read your main and advance tax notices, find out about tax rates, and more.

Tax sale property auction

At the tax sale in November, properties with three years of unpaid property taxes are offered for sale.