Taking part in a Neighbourhood Cleanup Party is easy! Watch a short video to learn more about a cleanup in action External website, opens in new tab
When you host a cleanup, we provide you with the tools you need to get the party started including garbage bags, gloves, pickers, and free garbage removal. You can request these items in the application form below.
All volunteers must follow safety protocols outlined in our volunteer cleanup safety checklist PDF file (668 KB).
Cleanup hosts will be required to follow additional instructions outlined in our host instructions PDF file (45 KB).
If you have any questions, contact us at cleanup@vancouver.ca.
Hosting in 5 easy steps
- Pick a date and location within Vancouver for your cleanup
- Complete the application form at least 7 days in advance of your cleanup and include any equipment and garbage pickup requests
- Conduct your cleanup
- Sanitize, clean, and return any borrowed equipment
- Submit your post-cleanup report
By taking part in a Neighbourhood Cleanup Party, you will:
- Create a sense of community and purpose for friends, family, and colleagues in your neighbourhood
- Reduce pollution in storm water runoff that impacts our waterways
- Help neighbourhoods feel vibrant and safe
Neighbourhood Cleanup Party: 2023 year in review
Volunteers participated in a litter cleanup
Cleanups helped keep our streets and waterways litter-free