Donating to parks and recreation

Make a difference in your city by donating to your favourite park or recreation activity.

Support your favourite park

Make a donation to preserve your favourite community park.

Support your favourite recreation activity

Make a donation to improve recreation in your community.

Dedicate a park bench

Celebrate a special occasion or honour someone's legacy by dedicating a park bench.


Establish an endowment that creates an ongoing source of funding for your favourite park or recreation activity.

Our donors

The City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Park Board wish to thank all of the people and organizations who donate to us.

Estate gifts to the Vancouver Park Board

Including the Park Board in your estate plans helps preserve parks and recreation services for future generations to enjoy.

Your support helps

Donations help with our mission to provide, preserve, and advocate for parks and recreation to benefit all people, communities, and the environment.

Donations of $20 of more are tax deductible.

Contact Fundraising and Development

For more information, contact us at or 604-257-8513.