Graphic with blue background and words Restart Smart Vancouver in yellow and white lettering

City seeks input from residents and businesses on impacts of COVID-19

July 6 2020 –

We’re one month into Restart Smart Vancouver, our careful and phased approach to supporting community and economic recovery throughout our city. As we continue to be guided by provincial and public health guidelines, we’re asking Vancouverites to have their say through our new Measuring Ongoing Impacts of COVID-19 survey.

Keeping track of impacts, opinions, concerns

To inform our recovery efforts, we want to hear about how the pandemic has impacted Vancouver residents and businesses, their opinions on the restarting of some of our operations, and their concerns about the future.

To keep our finger on the pulse of how these attitudes and behaviours are evolving, residents and businesses will have the opportunity to update us on their experiences, approximately every three weeks, by completing the survey again.

Take the survey

Complete the survey

To ensure inclusivity and representation of our city’s diverse community, the survey is also available in:

To share this survey with others, URLs should be used exactly as they appear in the hyperlinks above. Alternatively, the survey can be accessed at

The insight shared with us through this initiative will help inform our decision-making and the next steps in the Restart Smart Vancouver plan. Our findings will also be shared publicly.

Restart and recovery

You can refer to our website and social media channels for more detailed information on the status of City facilities and services. 

Vancouverites have been doing a great job of reducing the spread of COVID-19 by staying home and staying put. As we shift into recovery and restart, we are asking you to:

  • Stay strong – keep two metres apart, do not attend large gatherings, and stay home if you are feeling unwell 
  • Stay local – support local businesses and your neighbourhood