Empty Homes Tax 2022

Archived - Empty Homes Tax continues to support housing availability

Annual report released as Empty Homes Tax declarations open for 2023 tax year

December 1 2023 –

The City’s Empty Homes Tax (EHT) continues to support the availability of rental housing in Vancouver, according to data released today in our 2022 Empty Homes Tax Annual Report (628 KB).

For the sixth year in a row, the report demonstrates that the EHT is having a positive impact on housing availability for those who live and work in Vancouver, with the number of vacant properties decreasing by 54% between 2017, when the EHT launched, and 2022. 

The report also highlights that of the 1,398 residential properties that were deemed, determined, or declared vacant under the EHT program in 2021, 52% were converted to occupied status in 2022. 

Since the tax’s inception, $142 million has been allocated to support affordable housing initiatives to increase the supply and affordability of social housing and to support renters in the city. For the 2022 reporting period, $27.1 million of this revenue is allocated to fund several key affordable housing initiatives, subject to Council approval:

  • $20 million for land acquisition and Community Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) grants. The CHIP supports non-profit and co-op partners to deepen affordability in new social/co-op housing projects and deliver on the affordability targets set out in the Housing Vancouver strategy.
  • $3.8 million for staffing resources working on affordable housing projects.
  • $3.3 million for emerging priorities to support enhancements and creation of new initiatives and capital programs to ensure continued progress towards the City’s long-term housing goals.

Learn more about these initiatives and take an in-depth look at the statistics behind the tax in the report. Visit vancouver.ca/eht to learn more about the EHT program.

2023 declarations now open

EHT property status declarations are now open for the 2023 tax year. Residential property owners are required to complete a declaration every year, even if they live in their property or rent it out.

Over the coming weeks, declaration instructions are being mailed to property owners along with their advance property tax notice. Owners who have signed up to receive eBills will also receive their notice direct to their email inbox. Declarations are due by February 2, 2024 and a $250 by-law fine applies to late declarations submitted after this date. The tax rate for 2022 reference year is three percent for vacant properties.

Declare online today. For help with declarations, chat live with an advisor on our website or call 3-1-1. 

Sign up for online services account

While online, property owners are encouraged to sign up for an online services account. Once signed up, owners can opt to receive their next tax notice by email, check their account balances, and access other important tax information. 

Note: The City’s Empty Homes Tax is separate from the provincial government’s Speculation and Vacancy Tax .