Aerial view of downtown Vancouver at sunset

Sponsorships, donations, and other business opportunities

The City of Vancouver and Park Board work with private businesses, non-profit organizations, and individuals to create enjoyable experiences for residents and visitors, while also contributing to civic programs and initiatives that enhance the city. 

Our partnership and business development efforts are focused on:

  • Addressing the growing need for maintenance and renewal of civic assets, cultural and recreation facilities, and parks
  • Sustaining service delivery while reducing the burden on taxpayers

What's happeningCity of Vancouver Partnership Program launched

The City and Park Board have launched a new corporate and community partnership program. We are excited to work with businesses and organizations who are committed to making a positive impact on life in Vancouver.

Learn more about the program

Partnership opportunities

Sponsorship through our Partnership Program

We are excited to work with corporate and community partners who want to make an impact in Vancouver. Learn more about our partnership program.

Donating to your community

Support your community by making a tax-deductible gift or donation to your favourite facility, program, park, or recreational activity.

Unsolicited proposals

Learn more about submitting an idea for a project with the intention of forming a partnership.

Other business opportunities