Check if you're registered to vote
Who is running
Find out who's running for Council, along with their contact information and links to learn more about their platforms and priorities.
Vote in person
If you're not registered, you can vote when you go to your voting location. Bring 2 pieces of identification (ID).
Note Both pieces of ID must show your name. One piece must show your address, and 1 must include your signature.
Advance voting days:
March 26 and April 1 (8am to 8pm) at Vancouver City Hall
Election day:
April 5 (8am to 8pm) at 25 locations around the city
The City of Vancouver collects personal information in accordance with sections 26(a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Election Act for purposes of managing mail-in ballots, registering voters and updating voter information. If you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, contact the Director, Access to Information and Privacy by phoning 3-1-1 or emailing