Previous elections

Learn about past elections in Vancouver, including previous election results, election documents, and campaign costs.

2022 election

Get details on the 2022 Vancouver election, including who ran and election results.

2018 election

Get details on the 2018 Vancouver city election.

2017 by-election

Find 2017 by-election results and candidate profiles.

2004 At-large or Wards vote

Learn about the 2004 plebiscite to decide on whether Vancouver should switch from the at-large system for electing councillors to a ward system.

2003 Olympic vote

Learn about the 2003 vote held to decide on Vancouver's participation in hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Open Data catalogue of election results

View the Open Data Portal for election results as far back as 1996.

Inaugural speeches

View past Mayor inaugural speeches in Vancouver starting from 1996.

Elections before 2017

1996 to 2014

View archived web content on Archive-it.

1996 | 1999 | 2002 | 2005 | 2008 | 2011 | 2014

All past elections

Search the City of Vancouver Archives holdings for records on all past elections. 

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