Sustainable purchasing

The City has adopted a corporate procurement policy that embeds sustainability and ethical (SE) considerations into the procurement process rather than having them as an add-on or separate policy. The SE elements of the policy are being phased in over time.

In 2012, the goal is to incorporate SE considerations into all public calls for goods and services over $75K (over $200K for construction). For these bids, the City is taking a three pronged approach to incorporating SE considerations:

1. Declaration of Supplier Code of Conduct Compliance

Proponent must meet minimum requirements related to ethical, social, and environmental standards as set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct. 

2. Assessment of Leadership Questionnaire

Proponent must fill out the Assessment of Vendor Sustainability Leadership Questionnaire to identify where suppliers are going above the minimum standards in the Supplier Code of Conduct and are demonstrating sustainability leadership in their own operations and innovation.

3. Sustainability-related product/services specifications

The City wishes to purchase products and services that have positive environmental and social attributes. Where there are significant social/environmental impacts, calls may incorporate SE product/service specifications.  Proponents may be asked to provide goods with an eco-label and/or demonstrate how the goods/services being offered address key sustainability issues such as:  greenhouse gas reduction, waste and packaging reduction, toxin reduction, socio-economic sustainability.