Green Operations Plan

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Achieving the targets in the Greenest City Action Plan will not just be the work of the government. 

It will require the cooperation and participation of all of Vancouver's residents and businesses.

But Council understands that, if they are going to look to residents to lower their energy consumption, and take action toward the Greenest City goals, they must "walk the talk" when it comes to City operations and facilities.

Improving the sustainability of City operations

These four high-priority actions for City operations will help us reach our Greenest City targets:

  • Plan and implement a comprehensive corporate waste reduction and diversion program for all City facilities
  • Develop a procurement policy and practice that supports the purchase and use of local food in City-run facilities
  • Look for opportunities to green community events that the City runs, sponsors, and permits
  • Plan and implement a program to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel use in City-run buildings and vehicles

These actions will bring us many steps closer to zero carbon, zero waste, and healthy ecosystems.

How we are creating healthy ecosystems through improved City operations

Foods for our facilities

Find out how we encourage local and sustainable food for our facilities in our procurement practices.

Sustainable purchasing

The City is the first Canadian municipality to adopt a 100% post-consumer-recycled copy paper purchasing policy and is incorporating sustainable considerations into requests for supplies and services.

How we are making City facilities and operations zero carbon

Green City facilities

Upgrades to City of Vancouver facilities have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 25% over 1990 levels.

Green fleets

Council has implemented an extensive program to reduce the environmental impact caused by the CIty's vehicles and heavy equipment.

Sustainable commuting for staff

The sustainable commuting program offers incentives to City employees to encourage them to come to City Hall each day by walking, biking, or car pooling, all funded through charging employees for parking.

How we are making City facilities and operations zero waste

Waste diversion

The City hired its first Corporate Zero Waste Officer in 2012 to implement a more comprehensive waste diversion program in most City facilities, including organics collection.

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Vancouver declared a climate emergency and now we’re creating a plan to accelerate climate action. Join our mailing list to learn more and get involved.

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