Green Operations Plan

Achieving the targets in the Greenest City Action Plan will not just be the work of the government.
It will require the cooperation and participation of all of Vancouver's residents and businesses.
But Council understands that, if they are going to look to residents to lower their energy consumption, and take action toward the Greenest City goals, they must "walk the talk" when it comes to City operations and facilities.
Improving the sustainability of City operations
These four high-priority actions for City operations will help us reach our Greenest City targets:
- Plan and implement a comprehensive corporate waste reduction and diversion program for all City facilities
- Develop a procurement policy and practice that supports the purchase and use of local food in City-run facilities
- Look for opportunities to green community events that the City runs, sponsors, and permits
- Plan and implement a program to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel use in City-run buildings and vehicles
These actions will bring us many steps closer to zero carbon, zero waste, and healthy ecosystems.