The Fire By-law regulates fire safety in homes and communities.
Assembly or establishment occupancy limits
Carbon monoxide alarms
Exterior means of egress structures
Exploding animal deterrents (bear bangers)
False fire alarms
Fire and exit doors
Fire protection systems
Flammable and combustible liquids
Smoke alarms
Underground storage tanks
Vacant buildings
ASTTBC certification
Protection system pre-inspection certification
About fire safety and protection systems inspections by an Applied Science Technologist and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC) certified inspector.
Fire By-law
The Fire By-law is to be read in conjunction with the 2018 BC Fire Code. The BC Fire Code is available for viewing at the Vancouver Public Library External website, opens in new tab, and is available for purchase from the Queen’s Printer External website, opens in new tab.
Contact Fire Prevention
Monday to Friday
8:30am to 4:30pm
600 - 575 W 8th Ave
Vancouver BC, V5Z 0C4