Applications are now closed.
Key dates
- Artist information session: Monday, June 10, 2024, at 7pm
- Artist information online session: Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 7pm
- Application deadline: Friday, July 19, 2024
- Jury selection and interviews: September 2024
- Selected artists announced: October 2024
The Vancouver Park Board's Fieldhouse Activation Program provides artists, community groups, and organizations with space in a fieldhouse and access to parks to create activities that engage the community.
By repurposing underused space in fieldhouses into small community spaces, this program aims to:
- Animate our neighbourhoods with place-based activities focused on one or more of our priority themes including arts, culture, environment, and local food
- Host events and activities in locations where people already gather
- Provide space for user groups in exchange for community-engaged activities
Information icon Some of our fieldhouses have specific mandates for programming based on the neighbourhood, space available, and needs of the adjacent community centre.
Contact us
Email: pbfieldhouses@vancouver.ca