If you are a small business or light industry disposing of the following types of garbage, be aware that these items are considered nuisance waste and require approval.
- Items identified by government agencies, such as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) or Agriculture Canada, including expired food, fish plant waste, and greenhouse mixed waste
- Items that can cause problems with equipment operation, including fishing nets, ropes, non-recyclable tires, and mattress pocket coil cores
- Items that cause litter problems, such as styrofoam
- Items that attract birds or other animals
- Dusty items
- Odorous items
The Vancouver Landfill will assess such loads on a case-by-case basis because the items may need special handling or even burial.
Information icon Approval may take up to 24 hours.
Information icon The Vancouver South Transfer Station doesn't accept materials for burial.
Not sure if your garbage is considered nuisance waste? Learn about waste that needs special handling
Items we do not accept for burial
- Recyclables banned from disposal at the Landfill
- Respiratory, skin, or eye irritants
- Industrial-process wastes
- Sulphur-containing
- Hazardous wastes, as defined by the BC Hazardous Waste Regulation External website, opens in new tab
- Classified under national Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations External website, opens in new tab
If your load includes nuisance waste, you may be charged a burial fee in addition to the garbage disposal rate.
Save time by getting pre-approved for disposing of nuisance waste
Know the regulations
Read the current BC Hazardous Waste Regulation:
Read the consolidated national Transportation of Dangerous Good Regulations on the Transport Canada website:
Find the Landfill
Vancouver Landfill and Recycling Depot
A waste disposal facility and recycling depot all in one. Find out more about our landfill in Delta.