

Kerrisdale is primarily a residential area, and has many long-time residents. Its residential streets are lined with sweeping, grand old trees. Kerrisdale Village is the main shopping area, and one of the first to introduce specially designed street furniture to beautify the main shopping streets. Kerrisdale is in the south-western section of the city, sloping down to the Fraser River.

One community near Kerrisdale has a community plan that has been recently completed:

Neighbourhood history and heritage

The first settlers in Kerrisdale were the Irish McCleery brothers, who came to the area in 1867 to farm the meadows where the golf course now bearing their name is located. When the Steveston fish canneries began to flourish, a need for workers prompted the CPR to construct a railway from Vancouver to Lulu Island. The "Sockeye Special," as it was called, went through the heart of Kerrisdale, providing transportation for the first influx of people.

Initiatives in Kerrisdale

Road closures and construction

Find information about road closures and traffic delays due to road construction projects and special events in Vancouver.

Explore public art

Discover our featured public art. Go on self-guided walking tours. Find public art by neighbourhood, artwork, or artist.

Grants and awards

View information on grants and funding for arts and culture, strong communities, and sustainability.

Growing food

Learn about how we support residents to grow food through community gardens and orchards, urban farming, backyard hens, and honey beekeeping.