Proposal to install the Tom Cone Memorial Sculpture in Charleson Park

What you need to know

Comments are invited on a proposal to install a privately-donated memorial sculpture in Charleson Park.

The memorial sculpture commemorates the life and work of renowned Vancouver playwright Tom Cone, the first ever recipient of the Mayor’s Arts Award for Lifetime Achievement in Arts and Culture.

Designed and made by Vancouver artist Alan Storey, the proposed memorial will face the False Creek waterfront and offer a contemplative place to sit in the park.

It comprises two curved horizontal elements that will extend out of the landscape berm at typical seat height with the eastern element being 12-feet long and the western element 8-feet long.

The materials include a curved zinc-primed and powder coated steel ‘I’ beam and wood slats which form the seating element. The text of Tom Cone’s poem, “Somewhere Along the Line”, is cut out of the front edge of the ‘I’ beam flange.

A technical review has been completed to ensure structural compliance and confirm the placement is an appropriate distance from the bike path and seawall. 

What's happeningTell us what you think

Provide comments and feedback by emailing by October 5, 2021.


The proposed location for the sculpture is in Charleson Park south of the seawall cycling lane on either side of the lower portion of a landscape berm.

The specific locations of the two sculptural elements are indicated by the two yellow circles on the site plan below. The approximate outline of the berm is indicated by the green contour line.
